The Shenandoah Field School

The Shenandoah Field School prioritizes particular aspects of education for young men, which are often underdeveloped across the contemporary educational landscape: 

  1. Development of vocation — both uniquely for each individual, and with a universal aspect pertaining to young men.

  2. Physical training — daily group training in skills, strength, and conditioning led by former Army Rangers.

  3. Intellectual formation — a mixture of learning formats including small group discussions, team teaching, debate, lectures, faculty mentoring and tutoring, led by teachers who are not only thinkers but also doers.

  4. Creating — building real-world structures (e.g., log cabin construction) to learn skills and principles of design and craftsmanship, as well as teamwork to achieve a worthy goal.

  5. Recreation — a place for young men to be young men: athletic games, contests, arts, cultivation, and outdoor enrichment.

For 2024-25: the Shenandoah Field School features a 3-day program with an “after-school” (i.e., 15:20-17:00) component of PT, building, and enrichment made available to young men enrolled at other schools or home educated.

Located in easy reach of Frederick, Shenandoah, and surrounding counties.